Our program has several funding sources. Our residents can expect to spend some time dedicated to rotations and/or experiences with these groups.
Wisconsin Partnership Program
The Wisconsin Partnership Program has supported the program through grants, since planning began in 2012. These grants provide support for program faculty and staff, resident salaries, MPH tuition, travel, and other expenses.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
HRSA provides support through a grant for program faculty and staff, resident salaries, MPH tuition, travel, and other expenses as they relate to our Training in Equity and Community Health (TEACH) program. This grant focuses on clinical quality improvement in a federally qualified health center (FQHC) with a focus on health equity and health literacy. The grant requires that all second year residents complete a 2 month rotation at Wingra Family Medical Center FQHC.
Department of Population Health Sciences
The Department of Population Health Sciences has provided support for leadership roles—including the Program Director and Associate Program Director, as well as administrative support.
William S. Middleton Veterans Hospital
The William S. Middleton Veterans Hospital provides funding for one resident per year. The VA Hospital offers an incredibly valuable opportunity to work with the diverse and unique needs of the veteran population, and experience the VA health system. There are a variety of research efforts underway and opportunities to participate in a quality improvement initiative focused on one’s interests/previous experience. At minimum, residents will complete at least one clinical rotation at the VA Hospital.
Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship
The Wisconsin Population Health Service Fellowship provides funding to support resident salaries. While the Population Health Service Fellowship is a distinct training program with different program requirements and expectations, the preventive medicine residents come together with the Population Health Fellows for Learning Community meetings as an opportunity to integrate training across the fields of public health and medicine. This effort enhances individual learning of Fellows and Residents, enriches the programs and staff, and supports future collaboration between the fields.
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society has offered support for one residency position per cohort focusing on cancer prevention and control. This program is sunsetting in June 2025.
Henry A. Anderson III Endowment for the Advancement of Preventive Medicine
The Henry A. Anderson III Endowment for the Advancement of Preventive Medicine has provided funding to support resident academic pursuits. For example, it has supported resident travel to the annual American College of Preventive Medicine meeting, defrayed board costs for graduating residents, and supported costs associated with the Masters in Public Health degree.
Dr. Henry Anderson with 2024 graduating residents