Amy Trentham-Dietz

Credentials: PhD

Position title: Professor of Population Health Sciences; Associate Director of Population Science, Carbone Cancer Center


Website: The Trentham-Dietz Lab

Phone: (608) 265-4175

Room 307 WARF Office Building
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53726

As a cancer epidemiologist, Dr. Trentham-Dietz’s research is focused on breast cancer prevention, early detection and outcomes. She employs novel and traditional epidemiologic approaches in her studies complemented by methods deriving from health services research and simulation modeling. She has approached breast cancer prevention and detection by focusing on 1) modifiable lifestyle factors including obesity, physical activity, and environmental factors to better understand breast cancer etiology and reveal avenues for prevention; 2) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast which, often detected through mammography, is a non-obligate precursor for invasive breast cancer; and 3) simulation modeling of breast cancer to examine risk-based approaches to screening to maximize benefits of screening programs while reducing harms.

Courses Taught

  • PHS750: Cancer Epidemiology


  • Society for Epidemiologic Research
  • American Society of Preventive Oncology

Curriculum Vitae

Amy Trentham-Dietz CV